The course is practical to communicate from the first day
It is useful to study Italian in Italy in order to use the Italian language with Italians. At Cultura Italiana the course is practical, we speak Italian from the very first day even if you know just few expressions, we build Italian messages.
It is possible to meet Italian friends and use Italian
The extracurricular programme (four afternoons of activities outside the school) allows students to join life in Bologna as guests or friends, not as tourists. The school also organises meetings between students and their Italian colleagues in their fields of work to practice the language outside the school. For example architects/doctors/lawyers/artisans who want to study Italian in Italy can visit a colleague from Bologna to speak Italian in an authentic way.
Cultura Italiana guarantees results
We guarantee the best possible result for each student corresponding to their competence. Students speaking an European language has a different pace depending on their mother tongue and on the person. The acquisition of Italian for Japanese who speak English generally takes twice the time. According to the standards, after a 2 weeks course:
- A beginner-level student can already understand and speak a little in shops and restaurants.
- An intermediate-level student reinforces their communication skill, activates their grammar knowledge with use, and learns new vocabulary and expressions;
- An advanced-level student is invited to use complex grammatical structures, enlarges and strengthens their breadth of comprehension and expression;
- In the upper levels the students are invited to look for every possible way to express each message spontaneously and make the communication proper to the Italian way by removing the interferences from their native language.
All teaching choices are tailored to each student, we don’t impose the same general programmes for everyone. We have a clear teaching plan; we are strict, but flexible in that we recommend classes, lessons, the programme and we deliver them in accordance with every student. The student decides when there are differences of opinions.
The teacher follows a proposed syllabus (an educational project) for every different student. In this way the school can guarantee the most suitable solution for each student.
Each student has the ability to communicate in Italian in the shortest time possible and in the most correct way for his/her language level.
We guarantee the best possible result, each student completes the programme of that class and that level, with different results according to his/her competence to use the language in authentic communication.
We have the interest and responsibility that every person learns lots! There are 8 levels with different classes in every moment of the year. We have a weekly participation from 35 to 85 people.
The school is recognised by the Italian State
Cultura Italiana (1981) is the first school recognised by the Italian State as an “Italian Language School for Foreigners”.
We are also recognised as a continuous and permanent training institution by the region of Emilia-Romagna.
Cultura Italiana collaborates in applied linguistics research with the University of Bologna and University of Siena (courses and examinations for the certification of Italian as a second language teachers, and for the well-known academic Italian language certificate), and with different European, American and Japanese universities for their Italian courses and credits in Italy.
Our objectives of the course are clear and defined
Our course objectives are established by the conventions of the “European Framework of Reference for Languages”.
We tailor our courses to the requests from different universities for credits consistent with the Socrates, Erasmus and Overseas programmes.
The objectives are audited by external bodies (Region and State). Our primary objectives it to use the Italian language straightaway; from the first day, every student starts communicating in Italian with Italian people; to speak, understand, read, write and communicate makes it possible to live with Italians.
Our teachers provide personal support for students
Our teachers have on average 5 years of teaching experience; they support students with their usage of the Italian language. We help, advise and assist people who come to our school, with their every need (accommodation, health, cultural programmes, entertainment). The school is always on the student’s side, we are never in conflict.
Our courses guarantee value for money
Our course prices are transparent and published for anyone to see. The course prices are clear (all inclusive) precisely calculated based on the cost of running our organisation effectively. The final price is consistent with the quality we deliver. We are specialised in Italian language and culture, we collaborate with the Italian Institutes of Culture (Istituti Italiani di Cultura), to whom we grant discounts in some periods. We don’t offer underpriced courses.
The course consists of 4 lessons (45 minutes each) per day (Monday to Friday) in a class of 6-12 people, plus two Grammar lessons (Tuesday and Thursday) for in-class exercises, plus one lesson of Expression and Communication (Friday), plus a Test (Friday), plus about 1 hour of homework per day. The school guarantees 8 levels of proficiency.
After 2 weeks at Cultura Italiana…
After 2 weeks of the course, a beginner student will be able to understand and speak some Italian a little in shops and restaurants. An intermediate student will strengthen their communication skills, activates grammatical knowledge through use, grow their vocabulary and learn expressive structures. An advanced student, on the other hand, will expand their comprehension and expression skills, revisits and enhances their acquired expressive abilities. All teaching and level choices are made in agreement with each student; we do not force the same program on everyone). We have a clear educational project, we are rigorous but flexible, we advise on classes, lessons, and the program, and we work in agreement with each student to ensure they and every other student maximises their learning opportunity. In case of disagreements, the student makes the final choice.
Week end
Bologna is the most important railway hub in Italy for the connection between the North and Central-South. It is possible to visit a city (Milan, Trento, Venice, Verona, Mantua, Parma, Ferrara, Florence, Siena, Pisa, Arezzo, Ancona, Urbino, Ascoli-Piceno, Rome) on the same day (one-day trip) (There are many cities (Ancona, Arezzo, Ascoli-Piceno, Ferrara, Florence, Mantua, Milan, Parma, Pisa, Ravenna, Rimini, Rome, Siena, Trento, Urbino, Venice, Verona) that are possible to visit in one day (a day-trip)). The trips can be one or two hours, depending on the distance of the city and the train. The school suggests travelling on Saturdays in small, independent groups to a nearby city (Ferrara, Ravenna, Rimini, Parma, Mantua) with recommendations on how to travel and where to go.
Live like an italian with us
At Cultura Italiana, you can live like an Italian, not as a tourist. It is important to speak Italian outside of school to improve your communication skills. At Cultura Italiana, it is easy to meet Italians because the social life in Bologna is very intense. After work and study , the Bolognese go to local cafés, bars and restaurants. There are also many shows, street parties, concerts and cultural initiatives around the city. It is easy to chat with people. Bologna is the home to the first university in Europe (founded in 1088). There are over 100,000 students, many artists and musicians, jazz players, opera singers, book shops, writers, teachers, creative designers, lots of culture and many local venues, meetings and parties. Accommodation is offered at low cost, in single or double rooms with families or with Italian students.
Why learn Italian in Italy
It is important to study Italian in Italy in order to strengthen the competence of the Italian language. Beginners, or students who have already studied and practiced Italian, quickly enter the knowledge and the use of the Italian language. Studying Italian in Italy gives you a permanent exposure to the Italian language which produces spontaneous communication and fluent expression. Staying in Italy you stop thinking and translating into Italian, since the language is acquired spontaneously. People in Bologna are friendly, and the city is welcoming. At Cultura Italiana you meet professionals ready to help you to “enter” the Italian language. Italian is everywhere: everyone speaks, writes and communicates in Italian. Italian communication is everywhere at school: the sound, the rhythm and the melody of the language become familiar to you, and you get acquainted with the expression of the Italian faces, the smiles, the joy of the eyes, the gestures. The theatre of Italian communication welcomes foreigners in a gentle way. When people study Italian in Italy the total immersion involves students in the beauty of Italian culture and language.
Cooking lessons
It is possible to cook italian dishes.
Exhibitions and lectures
Contact us for more info or questions!